Category - kitchen
I’ve made a few woodworking projects designated for the kitchen. They are fairly small and usually not that complex. The finish I use for these is food safe and I describe that in the project pages themselves.
Legal bit: Everything is downloadable and distributable without of charge under a Creative Commons International 4 Attribution-Share-Alike licence and is provided with NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER as to the suitability of purpose or safety. You use these designs and plans at your own risk and although most don't need particularly specialist skills, if you do encounter anything beyond your skills, I advise you reach out to a qualified expert or professional to help you.
- Tea preparation tray
We have long had a tea-making tray by our kettle. It's usually long and not too wide. We don't often use it to carry things (although we sometimes do). Our last one broke. After years of abuse it cracked and split. The gaffer tape fix wasn't doing the trick either. I decided to make a new one from some recycled timber I had. It's a fairly simple idea and not much of a plan needed.
- Wooden fruit bowl without a lathe
We used to have lovely ceramic fruit bowl which sat beneath a banana hanger in our kitchen. Then one of cats felt the need to run across the space where it was and - CRASH! It was broken. Rather than buy a new one, I decided to make a replacement. The design changed a few times between this decision and starting to make it but in the end I settled on a basket octagon design using 9mm wooden dowels and reclaimed wood.
- Dog feeding station
We adopted a new dog, Isla, who is a large cross-breed. Probably German Shepherd and Rottweiler but with others thrown in as well. As such I wasn't happy with her having to eat her food out of a bowl on the floor so I decided to use some scrap/repurposed wood to build her a raised feeding station.